Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Stand and Deliver

Speaker: Susan Hillyard B.Ed.(Hons)

Stand and Deliver: Using Drama Techniques to improve the Teacher’s and the Students’ Productive Skills in large mixed ability classes.

Without doubt much of what goes on in schools all around the world goes on through the spoken and the listened to word. Theatre and Drama relies on just those media with the addition of learned and practiced techniques to make the speaking and the listening more effective. In this workshop we will look at how stagecraft can offer a number of useful techniques to improve both the teacher’s and the students’ presentation skills. Into the bargain we will see how classroom management skills and students’ responses can move towards more meaningful exchanges. There will be lots of practical work and an element of microteaching for the teachers to experience and practice the skills for successful active learning.


Morning session 1
1) Warmers
2) Sharing concerns in discussion groups
a) Layers of the Onion
b) Inclusive brainstorming
c) Rainbow grouping
3) Short powerpoint presentation on Interactive Teaching and Learning: Stressing confidence first, fluency second and accuracy third.
4) Experiential activities covering the essential components of the oral skill
a) Pronunciation
b) Voice control and breathing techniques
c) Body language
d) Use of visual aids , cue cards and equipment

Morning Session 2
5) Sharing concerns about classroom management in active learning classrooms
6) Techniques for teachers
a) Getting and maintaining silence
b) Giving instructions and explaining activities X 3
c) Arranging classroom furniture
d) Grouping
e) Preparing essential materials
f) Teaching concentration and listening skills

Afternoon Session 1
1) Games
2) Role play
3) Speaking activities
4) Readers’ Theatre

Afternoon Session 2
1) Rehearsing for microteaching in pairs
2) Presenting microteaching: Each teacher must conduct one short game ,role play or speaking activity with the audience
3) Round up with discussion and a final closing activity.

For teachers self improvement

Viney P. and K., Handshake, A Course in Communication, O.U.P.
Comfort J., Effective Telephoning, O.U.P.
Effective Presentations, O.U.P.
Effective Meetings, O.U.P. ( with Video)
Pietro R.J., Strategic Interaction, C.U.P.
Dufeu B., Teaching Myself, O.U.P.
Pedlar M. Burgoyne J. and Boydell T.,
A Manager's Guide to Self Development, Mc Graw Hill
Jarvis P. Paradoxes of Learning, Josey Bass, S. F.
Jarvis P., Adult and Continuing Education, Josey Bass.SF
Bowman DP, Presentations, Adams 1998, Massachusetts
Hughes D and Philips B, The oxford Guide to Successful Public Speaking, Virgin, 1988 London.

For practical teaching ideas

Maley,A and Duff A: Drama Techniques in Language Learning (Cambridge University Press)
Games for language Learning (CUP)
McGregor, L., Tate and Robinson K: Learning Through Drama (Heinemann)
Mc Gregor, L: Developments in Drama Teaching (Open Books, London)
Holden, S: Drama in Language Teaching (Longman)
Morgan N. And Saxton,J: Teaching Drama, a mind of many wonders (Stanley Thornes)
Smith, S: Theatre Arts and the Teaching of Second Languages (Addison – Wesley)
Wessels C, Drama OUP

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